August update from “Victory House” in Gweru Zimbabwe.

Learn to light a candle in the darkest moments of someone’s life. Be the light that helps others see; it is what gives life its deepest significance,Roy T. Bennett,

Victory house is blooming with life in Gweru Zimbabwe because of your generous support the pictures at the end of this update will explain everything for you.

The kids are doing well in the midst of the unprecedented times such that they are not yet back in school just like every other parts of the world.Its more difficult for Progress(the only girl in the house) she is aged 17 and this is her final year in High School.She is adjusting to new challenge of distance learning through online but because of her resilience she is so determined and she is doing very well.

For our 4 boys namely Proud,Praise,Believe and Allison they are a joy to watch them developing.The guardians(Sikhumbuzo and Tracy are doing the best to try to keep them to speed with their school yet no one is familiar with online schooling).

Here is our prayer request:

1.As we growing we are praying for a 14 seater to transport kids to school,church,hospital and village ministries(widows,prison and children’s Christmas party).You can give through our website at

2. Celebration home(This will house only girls).We have a number of girls who are going through abuse you name it all so our goal is to rescue them by end of this year.
3. Prison ministry,widows ministry and homeless ministry are all going well because of your support.
Thank you so much for your support and we really appreciate you so much.

Yours brother in Christ.


Good News For The Children


A Month Of Sharing The Vision