Update In The Midst of A Lockdown
“We are not afraid of Coronavirus rather we fear starvation, said the local citizens”.
April update on how things are going for us as a ministry as we face this epidemic.The epidemic is not choosing which nation nor people’s groups rather it’s a global crisis.
As we focus on ministry specifically in Zimbabwe,when I call or make a follow up with people about the epidemic the response I get is that we are not afraid of Coronavirus rather we fear starvation.This is the current situation in Africa at large as the majority depend on hand to mouth life style not by choice but the economical situation forces many to be on this situation not forgetting bad leadership plays a role.
Like everywhere else schools closed early for our orphans and the guardians are helping so much from home with the curriculum to keep the kids up to speed with their school work especially not knowing when schools are going to reopen.
We embarked on a feeding program (providing only basic needs) for families and widows who are calling our team members almost everyday(if it’s not every 10 minutes Tauya’s phone is ringing) asking for help because their kids are crying due to lack of food in the house.
Our team members got a letter from the police department to act as a relief agents.The amount of needs and calls for help they are encountering its very overwhelming but through your support and prayers we are managing to cover a handful of families.Our prayer and wish is to cover as much as families as possible.We are facing a lot of child headed families and those are most struggling ones which needs more help than anyone else because there is no one having a job in that families to provide food for them.We want to be the hands and the feet of Jesus during this difficult time.
Our prison ministry is facing more challenges because the rate of fatalities is so high due to starvation and more worse now with Coronavirus.The inmates are the least to be looked at on the list when it comes to help from the government so we are working so hard to reach out to them ASAP so that we can feed them too or else many lives will be lost.
As the team is reaching out the gospel is being preached as well and a quick testimony “A lady who used to be a lady of the night(to clarify she used to be a prostitute,I am sorry if this term is too harsh but I want to make sure that you get what I mean),she used to stand in the streets and hired herself to those men who will be coming from nightclubs as a way to feed her kids.After our team visited her she received Christ and now getting support from us as she transition her life.
We really appreciate your support and help as a ministry .The more you support us the more families we are going to reach out to and you are being the hands and the feet of God to many lives.
Our goal is to extend our influence into second largest city called Bulawayo and the capital Harare where we have other team members calling for help.
We are looking at feeding at least 1500 families during this time of the lockdown and you can be part of this movement and life saving.
No giving is too small but a small difference make a difference especially in these challenging times we are facing.
Please feel free to support us through online or mail your gift or support at www.straightways.org.
Thank you so much
Blessings to you.
Clever and family.